Friday, April 4, 2025

11:30 am
Elisabeth Weaver, Lancaster Farmacy

Linda Ferich 
  Community Wildlife Habitat
Linda's presentation gives an overview of Lancaster Conservancy’s Community Wildlife Habitat initiative that works with local property owners and organizations. The program encourages the planting of native landscapes that reduce stormwater runoff while providing habitat and food for wildlife and pollinators.

Linda Ferich is a PA Master Naturalist who coordinates the Lancaster Conservancy’s Community Wildlife Habitat program. In her role with Lancaster Conservancy she is responsible to analyze properties and teach how to develop habitat and control stormwater.  She is a Certified Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional and student of Mt Cuba Center’s Ecological Gardening program.
Linda formed the Lancaster Native Plant Alliance, a chapter of PA Native Plant Society. The alliance promotes the use of native plants in all landscape settings through collaboration, education, and advocacy.

1:30 pm
Cheryl Karcher, Hilltop Herbals

2:30 pm
​Kay McAdams, York County Beekeepers

3:30 pm

Saturday, April 5, 2025

9:30 am

10:30 am
Elisabeth Weaver, Lancaster Farmacy​

11:30 am 
Linda Ferich
  Community Wildlife Habitat
Linda's presentation gives an overview of Lancaster Conservancy’s Community Wildlife Habitat initiative that works with local property owners and organizations. The program encourages the planting of native landscapes that reduce stormwater runoff while providing habitat and food for wildlife and pollinators.

Linda Ferich is a PA Master Naturalist who coordinates the Lancaster Conservancy’s Community Wildlife Habitat program. In her role with Lancaster Conservancy she is responsible to analyze properties and teach how to develop habitat and control stormwater. She is a Certified Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional and student of Mt Cuba Center’s Ecological Gardening program.
Linda formed the Lancaster Native Plant Alliance, a chapter of PA Native Plant Society. The alliance promotes the use of native plants in all landscape settings through collaboration, education, and advocacy.

12:30 pm
Cheryl Karcher, Hilltop Herbals​

2:00 pm

2025 Speaker  Schedule